FREE Live 3D Modeling Training


Maya Hard Surface Modeling Bootcamp

Hosted by JL Mussi, 3d Artist and Content Creator

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What You Will Learn

I will go over my keys to success in creating great hard surface models with clean topology. I'll start out with the mental game of creating 3d art, how to plan for a successful project and a breakdown of my own 3d modeling and rendering workflows.

Why Most Artists Fail to Make Good 3D Art (AND How to fix these)


Low Confidence in Artwork


Long Learning Curve

How to Tackle a Complex 3d Asset

Gathering Reference

Creating a Blockout

Purpose of the Asset

3D Modeling Workflow Explained

Sub D Modeling

Booleans & Clean

Symmetry Lines


Rendering Workflow Explained

3 Point Lighting

HDR images

Render Passes
